This I Believe
"All your life you are told the things you cannot do. All your life they will say you're not good enough or strong enough or talented enough; they will say you're the wrong height or the wrong weight or the wrong type to play this or be this or achieve this. THEY WILL TELL YOU NO, a thousand times no, until all the no's become meaningless. All your life they will tell you no, quite firmly and very quickly. AND YOU WILL TELL THEM YES."

目前分類:觀影心得 (2)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

        上星期跟好朋友去看了這部片,雖然因為看過電影的簡介之後覺得已經可以預測大概的內容,但是對於這部片還是有很高的期許,一來是因為想看Hiliary Swank(看過她演的Million Dollar Baby之後覺得她是個很棒的演員),二來覺得好久沒有看浪漫愛情片了,三來是感覺這部片有好笑的地方(因為有六人行的Lisa Kudrow,哈),所以就去看了。

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Akeela and the Bee這部電影,就跑去借來看,剛剛終於看完了。呼!真好看!屬於勵志感人的小品,而且這部片還傳達了一個學英文重要的觀念,那就是,背單字利用字根字首可以幫助記憶。這點也是之前我在教學時跟學生強調過的。以前的學習經驗是只要會唸得出來,我就可以拼出來,所以學單字一定要會唸才行。但是,這只是其中一個方法,利用字根字首也是可以幫助背單字呢!

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